Salvation: Year of the Fly

Genre: Punk Rock

Released: 2019

Year of the Fly” is a very nice album with solid transitions throughout. The music Salvation has provided is pretty high energy and shreds. The album starts off strong with “Slit my Throat” and ramps up a bit as the songs go on. While listening the track “Palinopsia” caught me off guard, much different from the rest of the music. It’s pure instrumental and breaks up the listening experience, in a good way. It transitions well into “Failure” which fills the roll of the ballad for the album. After those two tracks the album goes back to what the earlier songs gave and then simmers out with another great instrumental “Delusions and Grandeur”. The whole album is an awesome listening experience with a nice mixture of sounds, would definitely recommend a listen.

NGM Rating:  4.3 out of 5

Notable Tracks:

  • Year of the Fly
  • Failure
  • Charm School
  • Welcome Home

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