Treze Black: Quimera (EP)

Genre: Latin Metal

Released: 24 September 2020

Released: 2020

Treze Black is a band with a lot of heart and their new EP “Quimera” displays that heart in the form of a full on sonic assault. From sorrowful and ominous to grandiose and technical this EP’s sound has an impressive range. The band has a strong grasp on the fundamentals of metal, and the sound they have is reminiscent of Lamb of God. Quimera also has a hint of melodic death metal, particularly on their track “Sentidos“. Despite this, the album doesn’t have a sound that makes it unique and the clean vocals were a little hit or miss. Some of the lower notes were a bit of a struggle for the lead singer, and the production value is noticeably low. This is, by no means, a perfect record but the brooding energy and message of the music looms over any pitfalls it may have. This band rocks and the energy on this album is undeniably dark, diverse, and intense.

NGM Rating: 3.8 out of 5

Notable Tracks:

(links above all lead to youtube)

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